Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s where you’ll find answers to all of my most frequently asked questions! Learn about me, my writing process, my books, and more.

  • My whole life! I can’t remember not writing. I spent most of my free time as a kid stapling together handmade books, messing around with Microsoft Word, and drawing loreless maps as big as the dinner table.

    However, I didn’t decide to pursue writing as a career until I was a teenager.

  • I wrote the first draft of Lone Player in 28 days for the Lost Island Press 2021 Writing Contest. I didn't expect to win, but I did! I received a publication deal for the entire trilogy (3 books).

    Lost Island Press is an indie publishing house. You can learn more about their publishing model on their website.

    I am extremely grateful for Lost Island Press and couldn't be happier working with them!!

    You can read the full story on my writing blog :)

  • For quick facts and information about Lyme disease, please check out the resource page on the LymeLight foundation's website. They are an excellent organization, and I'm grateful for the support they've provided me with to help me access treatment.

    To learn more about my personal journey with Lyme, check out this page.