This is a pronunciation guide for different character names, places, and things in my books.
Lone Player
How do you pronounce Lavender Voclain?
Lavender Voclain is pronounced Lavender “Vock-lin.”
It has recently come to my attention that some people have been pronouncing Eddie’s last name, Voclain, as “Voh-clane.” Which makes sense, since that is how it’s spelled. However, when doing the initial research for her name many eons ago, I stumbled across a few sources that pronounced it as “Vock-lin.” And I really liked the way it sounded.
So, Voclain has always been “Vock-lin” in my head.
I thought this was important to clarify, because every time Aaron says “You’re killing me, Voclain,” it’s so much more fun when pronounced as “Vock-lin.” ;)
Ula: Oo-lah
Seamus: Shay-muhs
Arrigan: Ahr-i-gin
Cyralius: Sir-al-ee-us (Cyr: “Seer”)